School Opening Ceremonies at Tada Oo, Zaytawon and Le Paw Schools
At the end of July, Studer Team organized 3 School Opening Ceremonies in Myanmar. Studer Trust's director, Werner Kuendig attended all 3 ceremonies with the Myanmar Operation Team, Studer Trust's Teacher Trainings Center Team, and the Construction Team.
They were fruitful and memorable openings. The team traveled by bus, boat, motor bikes, and on foot!! Hundreds of community members welcomed us and participated. During the ceremonies, 2 schools raised some funds for their operational costs.
At Tada Oo and Zaytawon schools, we were welcomed by students dancing while Le Paw school welcomed us with a local band.
39 teachers and 1161 students from 3 different schools benefited from the 3 new school buildings.
Special thanks to Wai Yin Association, Kadoorie Charitable Foundation and Margaretha Studer Charitable Foundation for making the change!